Saturday 16 June 2012

Baguio, the City of Pines

Baguio:  the city in the mountains - a must for every traveler.

How to get there

My travels to Baguio had always been with Victory Liner (except when we needed to hire private vans). For this particular trip, since we were near Pasay area, we went to their terminal in EDSA, very near MRT/LRT Taft stations.

We wanted to arrive in Baguio earlier so we decided to take the de luxe aircon trip at P750.00 each. We left on a Tuesday at 11:15 AM and arrived at 4:30 PM. Yep, that was really fast since the bus is non-stop, had free drinks and snacks and a toilet inside.

Click this link for more info on
Victory Liner.

Where we stayed

We stayed in a non-commercial area and so I can't give you much tips here. However, Baguio has many transient houses for rent or rooms on a daily rate (ranging from P200/person to P500/person). Higher than that, hmmm, that would be hotel rates =)

I strongly suggest you find places to stay near the city proper for practical reasons.

Places to go in Baguio

We stayed for 3 days and 3 nights in Baguio and thus had a good chance to roam around the city and nearby Benguet areas.

Based from our experience, I recommend the following itinerary:

Day 1 - feel the city and visit the strawberries 

Feel the city first. Go into the heart of Baguio, mingle with the people, see city sights and explore its daily life.

Lady of Atonement Cathedral

Being a Catholic Christian, it has been my practice to see and visit the church. Baguio's cathedral is a beautiful place to go and pray.

Session Road

Walking from the church, explore the most famous road of the city ... since traffic is expected, don't ride, just walk around its cobblestones.

Baguio City Market

At the end of Session Road and at the base of Magsaysay Avenue, is the city market. You can opt to shop on Day 1 or you can just 'window shop', it's up to you. You can always come back any time.

Very near the market is Baguio Plaza where most jeepneys going to areas of attraction are parked (e.g. PMA, Mines View, etc.)

Burnham Park

And near Baguio Plaza is the popular Burnham Park. Go boating at P70/hour and paddle your own boat or get a guide and add P30.

SM Baguio

yeah, yeah - I know, we have lots of SM all over the country but the one in Baguio is one-of-a-kind; with its natural airconditioning and beautiful foggy view, this is a must try =)


Strawberry Farm

A visit to Baguio is never complete without going to La Trinidad, Benguet's strawberry farm. It's just 15-peso jeepney ride from the jeepney terminal near Baguio Center Mall (walking distance from the city market and Magsaysay avenue).

If you're lucky and it's not raining, you can see those oh so red strawberries. But if you can't, don't worry, you can always try the fruits which are abundantly sold in the place. Buy bottles of strawberry jams there too.

Plus, don't forget to eat the special strawberry ice cream for P15 pesos.

The Bell Church

Going back to the city from La Trinidad,  drop by the Bell Church. A jeepney ride will cost you the minimum of P8.50. This Chinese temple is also worth visiting.

Day 2 - the famous Baguio attractions

On the 2nd day, go visit the sites which Baguio is known for.

The Mines View Park

This place is very accessible. From Baguio Plaza, just ride the jeepney with signboard Plaza-Mines View and pay only P8.50.

Lots of things to see and shopping can be done here starting of course on its view deck. There is no entrance fee (well, most of Baguio sites don't have one which is amazing).

You can wear Igorot native costumes and take unlimited number of photos for P10/person.

There are also 3 huge yet so cute Saint Bernard dogs (in sunglasses) where you can take your picture for P10/shot. The dogs are called King, Fiona and oh, I forgot the other one.

You can also ride horses (they colored their hair pink and orange, hmmm) and take pictures still for P10/shot.

On your way out, don't forget to visit the 'Cordillera World' for souvenirs and photos. There is no entrance fee although they do ask for donation.

Good Shepherd Convent

Just few meters away from Mines View is the Good Shepherd convent, famous for its Ube Jam and other products.

The Mansion

After visiting the convent, ride the jeep again for P8 and drop by the Mansion, the summer residence of the country's president.

The Wright Park

Right across The Mansion is the Wright Park famous for its horseback riding. Try it for P300/hour.

Botanical Garden

After visiting the Wright Park, ride the jeepney again (for P8 or you can opt to walk), go to the Botanical Garden and relax with the beauty of nature, flowers, trees and all.

Day 3 - more Baguio attractions

PMA grounds

On Day 3, explore the other must-see sites of the city. First stop would be the Philippine Military Academy grounds. From Baguio Plaza jeepney terminal, take the public transportation (Plaza-PMA-Kias route) and pay P18/person.

Be prepared to take a long walk from the gate although some of the jeepneys go inside the PMA compound. We opted to walk to have a better 'feel' of PMA. And besides, it would be nice to walk along the same path Manny Pacquiao jogs since the place is part of his training ground.

Balatoc Mines Tour and Crosby Park

At this particular trip, we weren't able to try this one; however if you wish to, PMA-Kias route actually leads to this place so you might as well check this one out.

Camp John Hay

On the way back to the city from PMA, remember to drop by Camp John Hay as it is on the way and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto

The last part of our trip was a visit to the Lourdes Grotto, a Catholic shrine located in Mirador Hill, part of western Baguio. Since it was raining, we chose to take the taxi and paid P69.00.

For us, it was a perfect way of ending a beautiful stay in Baguio as the grotto was a solemn place to offer prayers and thanksgiving.

Climbing the 252 steps was a challenge on a rainy day but it was all worth it.

Practical Tips in Traveling around Baguio

1. For better Baguio experience, don't take taxis, use public transportation when you can. Take cabs when pressed with time. Walking is a good way of knowing the city too.

Bonus: Taxi drivers in Baguio are the best! In addition to the special skills they have in driving around curves and hills, they are so honest and they give you exact change. That is amazing! How I wish drivers in Manila are like that.

2. Never go out without an umbrella with you. You'll never know when it's going to rain.

3. You can explore the city by yourself. Lots of websites and blogs talk about Baguio for information and reference.

HAVE FUN in the CITY of PINES :)

The places might be the same but every journey is uniquely different. Each trip is worth remembering. Each experience is worth sharing. Go! Explore! Travel more and more!

Wishing each of you beautiful, safe travels :)

- Shereem Veya